Mind blown: a blog about STEM education.

  • Robotics Club – Getting Started 

    I will admit, thinking about this topic reminds me of how I was afraid I used to be. The year before I transitioned into STEM teaching, I was a 2nd grade teacher. Granted, I had injected STEM topics and ideals into my classroom every chance I got, I had even created my own STEM kits…

  • The Engineering Design Process 

    I am a STEM teacher whose school district uses a program called Project Lead the Way as our STEM curriculum. One of the key components of the PLTW modules is the Engineering Design Process (Project Lead the Way). Of course, the EDP is not limited just to the PLTW program, but a staple strategy for…

  • Classroom Management in Specials – Getting Started! 

    Seeing a class for a limited amount of time each week, for me one hour, is a very short amount of time to build relationships with students. It can be a challenge to get to know your students and allow them to get to know you. Establishing that relationship early can be a huge step…

  • 3D Printing in the STEM Classroom

    New and exciting technology is always a draw for students, especially when they get to see it in motion. In my STEM lab, students are seemingly hypnotized by our school’s 3D printers, always asking me to make their heart’s desires and creations. Usually that comes out in the form of something they have seen on…

  • Problem-Based Learning

    Problem-based learning (PBL) is an absolute game-changer in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, transforming traditional classrooms into active focus on discovery and innovation. It is a change of direction that places students at the center of instruction, presenting them with real-world challenges to learn through. In this environment, students are not just absorbing…

Got any book recommendations?